Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Riley County

Goal: $20,000.00

Specific Need

$1,500 is just around what it costs to fund a mentoring relationship for one year. Why does it cost money to match Riley County youth with a mentor if Bigs are volunteers? While we do have amazing community volunteers as Bigs, creating a safe and effective match is not that simple. Our professionally trained Match Support Specialists who operate as case workers work to ensure that safety by: conducting interviews, finding a best fit match, supporting the match through monthly and quarterly calls, and providing life skill opportunities to our Littles. Our mission is elevated through supporters like you. 


Mission: To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Vision: That all Kansas youth earn a living wage by age 25.


We believe all youth have potential and deserve the opportunity to achieve success in life.

By matching youth facing adversity with a caring adult mentor in a one-to-one mentoring relationship, our Bigs help inspire greater self confidence, better academic performance, and dreams for the future that will change their life for the better, forever. 

We serve Kansas youth ages 5 to 25 who are facing a variety of challenges related to self-confidence, friendships, school, or family situations.

Because we recognize entering adulthood is a pivotal time in our Little’s lives, we offer the opportunity to remain matched through age 25 for guidance and support navigating life as a young adult with the vision that they will earn a living wage by 25.

The outcomes of our mission for Littles is one of many KSBBBS success stories. The youth we serve in Riley County face adversity in many forms as seen below.

  • 68% have Household income less than $35k
  • 65% have family who's had contact with law enforcement
  • 47% experienced some type of abuse at home
  • 53% have issues at school
  • 59% are isolated, have few or no friends, or are bullied

Independent research indicates that BBBS one-to-one mentoring has a life-long impact on youth served. Former Littles surveyed revealed:

  • Over half earn 10% more than the average median household income
  • 77% performed better in school, & said their mentor kept them from dropping out of high school
  • 90% reported their mentor made them feel better about themselves
  • 29% hold leadership roles in their workplace or community

Photos & Videos

Riley County Match Feature
Big Brooke and Little Elizabeth
Big Brooke and Little Elizabeth
Big Quinton and Little Alex
Big Quinton and Little Alex
Big Erin and Little Aylin
Big Erin and Little Aylin
Big Susan and Little Grecia
Big Susan and Little Grecia
Big Tate and Little Declan
Big Tate and Little Declan
$20,171.77 received
in 105 gifts
100.86%  of  $20,000.00 Goal


519 Pierre
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: 785-776-9575

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